
Welcome to VeritasPay!

You have reached our documentation page, where we will be sharing technical data about our platform. The page provides several simple guides to current and/or potential merchants and partner developers. Most of these documents relate to the sending and processing of data through the VeritasPay API.

As payment providers, VeritasPay offers solutions that cater to various technological needs for face-to-face, online, and unattended payments. In doing so, we use APIs that help us accomplish the designed capabilities we constructed.

About the VeritasPay API

We developed an API that can be easily integrated into applications, websites, databases, and the like. It’s also equipped with precise response codes, authentication abilities, and other vital tools.

To fully access the data and other features, we recommend that you create a VeritasPay account. It’s a short process which should only take you a few minutes. Upon creation, we will provide you with a test account, but note that it will only be available under our UAT environment.