Request Parameters

Request Parameters

Sending transaction requests include various information about the merchant, customer, and item(s), among others. Below are the required parameters during such a process:

Parameter Name Type Description
MerchantId String The merchant’s identification.
OrderId String The merchant’s order identification from the merchant’s system.
Operation String Please refer to the details provided in this document unde section operation types
Amount Decimal The amount to be paid or deposited. Numeric values with two decimal points and must be greater than zero (0). Ex. 1000.00
Tips Decimal Tip amount if there is any. Ex. 50.00
Voucher String Voucher if there is any.
CustomerId String The customer’s identification from merchant’s system, which is used to easily identify customer transactions. The common info are User ID, username or email address.
ReturnUrl String The URL wherein users will be redirected once the payment is completed.
CallbackUrl String The URL where transaction updates and notifications will be sent once the payment is completed.
Remarks String This will be used to add descriptions or notes about the transaction.
Data String The encrypted data using AES Encryption
Signature String The calculation of the entered signature for security purposes